Prevention of injury when using mobile means of mechanization in AIC in the case of starting their engines with the engaged gear transmission


  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



means of mechanization, heat engines, engine start when the gear is engaged, injury, safety lock


It is informed about the importance of the structures of the agro-industrial corps in world civilization and in the country in terms of food supply for the population. Attention is drawn to the need for a variety of food products, which is ensured by the versatility of agricultural enterprises and a variety of types of work. The mechanization of agricultural production is based on a variety of agricultural machinery and equipment used in order to increase productivity, production efficiency and facilitate labor. It is noted that in the fleet of agricultural equipment used, the determining share of mobile machines with internal combustion engines (cars, tractors, combines, bulldozers, excavators, scrapers and other machines) on a wheeled or crawler track is drawn. According to the regulatory and legal framework, all types of work activities should not lead to injury and illness of workers. At the same time, many of them, for one reason or another, are accompanied by severe and fatal injuries. One of the reasons is the ability to start their engines when the gear is engaged in the transmission. In order to eliminate such situations, an innovative solution has been proposed - a device for blocking the possibility of starting the engines of mobile machines if the gear shift lever is not set to the neutral position before starting. This prevents the possibility of injury to operators and persons servicing the unit.


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