Estimation of the performance of automotive engines by the results of their diagnosis under operating conditions


  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



internal combustion engines, performance diagnostics, device


The need for food supply for the population has been and remains the most important component of the life of the world's population. In connection with the growth of the population, this need will grow. Considering that food production requires enormous and constant work in the bosom of the Earth's biosphere, measures are being taken to alleviate working conditions, increase its efficiency, safety and efficiency. In this regard, the growth of electromechanization and automation of technological processes in the agro-industrial complex is an inevitability not only of the past, but also of the current century. With regard to agricultural production, the decisive factor in this direction is the use of mobile agricultural units with piston motor tractor engines. The latter are characterized by the peculiarity of reducing efficiency as they approach the amortization period, up to complete failure (i.e., termination of performance). In this regard, specialists are developing methods and tools for diagnosing the operability of auto-tractor engines in order to restore it in a timely manner. For this purpose, an innovative device has been proposed for diagnosing the operability of these engines. The article provides a diagram of the device, a description of the principle of its operation to achieve the set goal under operating conditions. The constituent structural elements of the device are deficient-free and affordable. The device combined with their use is not structurally difficult and allows one to obtain reliable results on assessing the performance of engines according to their measured characteristic indicators under operating conditions.



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