The biochemical composition of gwizotia (Guizotia abissinica) oil seeds depending on growing conditions


  • Tatyana Yakovlevna Prakhova Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops
  • Nataliya Nikolaevna Gusakova Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



Guizotia abyssinica, cultivation region, productivity, oil content, fatty acid composition


This paper presents a comparative assessment of the content of fatty acids in the oil seeds of Abyssinian Guizotia grown in various agro-climatic regions. The Guizotia seeds grown in contrasting agro-climatic regions had a high and stable yield of 1.38-1.75 t/ha. The fat content in Guizotia seeds varied within 36.51-40.18%. On the rich chernozem soils of the Penza and Tambov regions, the fat content is 39.21 and 38.74%, respectively. A low amount of fat was noted on slightly humus soils of the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions (36.51 and 36.73%). The main component of the fatty acid composition of Abyssinian Guizotia oil is a polyunsaturated fatty acid - linoleic, the content of which reaches a high value from 65.85 to 80.01%. Its maximum content reaches in seeds from Penza and Tambov (79.17 and 80.01%). At higher temperatures and poor soils in North Ossetia-Alania, a decrease in the concentration of this acid to 65.85% was noted. At the same time, the concentration of oleic and palmitic acids increases here to 9.16% and 9.17%, the values of which are 1.2-1.7 and 1.1-1.3 times higher than these figures in other areas. The content of saturated stearic acid ranged from 4.91% (Tambov) to 8.90% (Astrakhan). The concentration of linolenic acid remains at a low level of 0.14-0.39%, with its maximum value in the original seeds grown in the homeland (Ethiopia). The percentage of arachidic acid is 0.12-0.70%, with its maximum in oil seeds grown in the Astrakhan region. Hotter, drier conditions during the growing season of Guizotia tend to increase saturated acids and decrease linoleic acid.


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