Growth and meat qualities of young Black-and-White breed in different age periods depending on the feeding level


  • Anatoly Foadovich Shevkhuzhev North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Centre
  • Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev North Caucasus Federal Agrarian Research Centre



Black-and-White breed, bull calves, growth, meat qualities, nutritional level, feed costs


By regulating the nutritional level of young animals in the postembryonic period, it is possible to change the growth rate of animals, the forming of meatiness and the ratio of the most important tissues in the carcass. The aim of the work was to establish the influence of different nutritional levels on the growth, development, meat productivity of Black Pied young cattle of different ages. The scheme of young animals growing was as follows: group 1– increased nutritional level up to 14 months of age; group 1-a – young animals were grown in the same way as young animals of group 1 up to 8 months (increased nutritional level), and from 8 to 14 months they were on average nutrition; group 2 – average nutrition was up to 14 months; group 2-a – average nutrition was up to 8 months, and from 8 to 14 months – an increased nutritional level. During 14 months of growing, it was spent on each head in group 1 – 2114.8; in 2-a – 1888.1; in 1-a – 1919.0; in group 2 – 1692.3 energetic feed units. During 18 months of growing, it was spent respectively: in group 1 – 3673.2; in 2-a – 3345.6; in 1-a – 3197.4 and in group 2 – 3240.0 energetic feed units. Young animals of group 1, which had improved nutrition, on average gained 837 g daily for the entire period, which is more than young animals of groups 2-a, 1-a and 2 by 124, 161 and 170 g (B> 0.999), respectively. With a high nutritional level of young cattle for meat, there is a dramatic increase in meat productivity and an improvement in the quality of meat. Moreover, the cost of feed for the output is reducing and the economic efficiency of livestock breeding is increasing. Nutritional level has a differentiated effect on the development of individual organs and tissues. The growth of the same tissue in different parts of the carcass with insufficient nutrition is delayed to varying degrees.


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