Characteristics of safety and harmlessness conditions labor of operators at the sorting facilities of table root crops and potatoes


  • Vladimir Fedorovich Bogaturev PC "Shushary"
  • Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Danilova Hospital named after Semashko
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Elena Ivanovna Gavrikova Orel State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University



working conditions, safety, root crops, soil, hydromodule


The article notes the influence of production factors on operators when sorting table root crops. The most harmful production factors acting on a person have been identified, as this is the most important barometer of the state of working capacity and prevention of production-related and occupational diseases. It is established that the content of soil dust depends on many factors (weather conditions during harvesting, soil type, the amount of incoming pile of root crops for sorting). Information is given on the granulometric composition of the soil coming together with root crops from harvesting machines to the refinement line. It is noted that from the point of view of labor protection the dustiness of the air in the zone of refinement of root crops, exceeding the regulatory requirements by 2 or more times, is of particular concern. Attention is drawn to the fact that the emissions of the ventilation system into the environment from the vegetable store, where fruit and vegetable products are unloaded from the harvested field areas, pollute the external (as well as internal) air space not only with dust, but also with harmful substances damaged during harvesting of perishable products and imported with it residues of vegetation and a large amount of land stuck to the products in connection with the harvesting of potatoes and table root crops during a period of high humidity; this is typical for the Northwestern zone during the harvesting period (September-October). The soil stuck in the gaps of the treads of the wheels of tractors, cars and trailers gets into the vegetable storage room during the unloading of field products. In connection with the treatment of crops with agrochemicals during the period of plant development, the remains of agrochemicals, which adversely affect the working conditions of operators at the objects of sorting table root crops and potatoes, also enter the premises with the soil. product sorting. The patent solution has been introduced into production at the workplace of operators, providing a reduction in dust content by 1.5-2.0 times below the maximum allowable concentrations.


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