Results of research on the application of probiotics "EM-Kurunga" and "Baikal EM-1" in growing replacement heifers


  • Yuri Yanisovich Kravainis Yaroslavl NIIZhK - branch of the Federal Scientific Center “VIK named after V.R. Williams”
  • Raisa Stepanovna Kravaine Yaroslavl NIIZhK - branch of the Federal Scientific Center “VIK named after V.R. Williams”
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Irina Anatolievna Lizikhina St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



probiotics, “EM-Kurunga”, “Baikal-EM-1”, replacement heifers, morbidity, safety, growth, reproduction, live weight


Work to study the influence of probiotics “EM-Kurunga” and “Baikal EM-1” on the physiological and economically valuable indicators of replacement heifers was carried out at the Tunoshna agricultural production complex in the Yaroslavl district of the Yaroslavl region. It has been established that feeding replacement heifers: from 4 days to 4 months of age with the probiotic “EM-Kurunga”; from 4 days to 1 month in the amount of 50 ml; 1-4 months - 100 ml per animal once a day with milk, in the fourth month - with milk replacer; and from 4 months of age probiotic “Baikal EM-1” at the age of 4 to 9 months, 5 ml diluted with water to 50 ml; from 9 to 18 months – 10 ml diluted with water to 100 ml with silage is safe. As a result, a reduction in morbidity in the experimental group was achieved by 40.7% and, as a consequence, an increase in safety (!00%) due to an increase in feed palatability (6 month old heifers - by 20.1%; 12 month old - by !3.3 %; 19 months - by !0%; 18 months - by 10.9%). The above is a consequence of the inclusion of the named probiotics in the diet of the experimental group of heifers, which led to the normalization of the biochemical parameters of the blood of calves as a result of the intensification of general metabolic processes. This contributed to an increase in the live weight of animals aged: 6 months – by 15.3%; 12 months - by 9.6%; 18 months - by 10.8%. The results obtained were achieved with a decrease in feed consumption by 1 kg. increase in live weight by 8.18%, as well as cash costs by 9.1%. The solutions proposed in the article ensure that in the experimental group the costs of treating heifers are zeroed out due to the absence of diseases (in the control group of 27 heifers, 14, i.e., 51.8% fell ill, and 7 dropped out). Thus, the results of the research justified and implemented additional reserves for increasing the economically useful indicators of replacement heifers by feeding probiotics “EM-Kurunga” and “Baikal-EM-1”.


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