Features of the formation of grain yield of triticale in the Middle Zavolzhye


  • Tatyana Aleksandrovna Goryanina Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara Scientific Re-search Institute of Agriculture named after N. M. Tulaykov
  • Oleg Ivanovich Goryanin Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara Scientific Re-search Institute of Agriculture named after N. M. Tulaykov




winter triticale, variety, seeding rates, yield


Winter triticale is the most promising grain crop, over the past seven years four varieties of local selection have been zoned in the region. However, the technology of their cultivation requires clarification. The purpose of the work is to identify the features of grain yield formation and seeding rates of varieties of various types of winter triticale in the Middle Volga region. In 2018-2021, the formation of yields of triticale varieties (Crumbs and Capella) on six variants of seed sowing rates was considered on ordinary chernozem. When using the growth-stimulating drug Baritone at seeding rates of 1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0 and 5.0 million/ha it was found that the temperature and relative humidity of the air had the greatest influence on the elements of the crop structure. The main element of the crop structure - the density of the stem was most dependent on the relative humidity of the air during the spring-summer vegetation (r=–0.98*…–0.99*). When cultivating for grain, a significant increase in yield had  Crumb variety, compared with the Capella by 0.31-0.44 t/ha (14.0-17.6%). Its highest values were at seeding rates of 3.0-5.0 million/ha - 2.66-2.69 (Capella), - 3.05-3.10 t/ha. Of the abiotic factors, the maximum effect on grain yield was exerted by the relative humidity of the air during the spring-summer growing season (r= –0.98*…–0.99**). The highest net income indicates the expediency of cultivating triticale in the conditions of the Volga region to etch seeds with Bariton preparation and sow them for fodder at a rate of 3.0 million/ ha.


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