Dairy productivity of Holstein first-calf cow of complex genotypes of the COQ9 and STAT5A genes


  • Natalia Yurievna Safina Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS
  • Ziliya Fidailevna Fattakhova Selection and Seed Center structural subdivision of FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS
  • Elza Railevna Gaynutdinova Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS
  • Shamil Kasimovich Shakirov Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS




gene, COQ9, STAT5A, PCR-RFLP, coenzyme Q9, signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A, dairy production, yield


The research presents a study of traits of dairy productivity and the qualitative composition of milk of Holstein heifers of various complex genotypes of the COQ9 and STAT5A genes. Genotyping by PCR-RFLP of the COQ9-BstMB I and STAT5A-PspE I loci revealed that animals of all genotypes are present in the herd. The largest group of animals are representatives of the heterozygous combination of AG/CG genotypes - 27.2% (65 animals), and the smallest group of cows of the complex GG/GG genotype - 3.8% (9 animals). The analysis of associations of economically significant traits of milk productivity in cows of different genotypes showed that groups with complex genotypes AA/CG, AA/CC, GG/CG and GG/CC have the highest milk yields in full and standard lactation, the content of the mass fraction of fat and protein, the yield of fat and yield of protein. The worst indicators for all traits were cows with a complex combination of AA/GG and AG/CC.


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