Technology of container logging of seeds and grain in seed production


  • Kirill Aleksandrovich Stepanov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Maxim Viktorovich Ivanov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM



transport support, internal container transportation, agriculture, grain crops, technological processes


The article considers the possibilities of using classical, progressive in the food environment container systems of grain harvesting in the seed production environment. The individual ability of such systems to combine technological operations without inter-operational transshipment of material is taken as a basis analytically, technologically, calculatively. As a feature the need to maintain its viability throughout the entire billet cycle without losses is taken into account analytically, technologically, calculatively. General issues analytically, technologically, and computationally take into account the negative impact of the presence of wheeled vehicles in the field with gross seed collections of up to 400 tons, the volume of a single feed of up to 4.2 m3 and marked personnel shortages by calculatively minimizing operators. It is analytically established, today there is no device that fully meets these requirements, in which either the requirement of combining technological operations was not met, or traumatic drying methods for breeding seeds were used, or there were structural difficulties in cleaning the body and low-intensity drying of grain. The result is a replacement drying and transport body for inclusion in the technology of the harvesting and transport process and post-harvest grain processing. The total operational economic effect: from the introduction of drying and transport removable bodies instead of the classic dump truck transport body, with a gross grain harvest of up to 400 tons, ranged from 4.7 thousand rubles/ha to 5.82 thousand rubles/ha - on average, this is 1.76 times lower, or 16% lower than the cost of using transport bodies installed on the “Multilift" system, but not having the ability to combine operations.


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Author Biographies

Kirill Aleksandrovich Stepanov, Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

Junior Researcher

Maxim Viktorovich Ivanov, Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM



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