Device for automatic determination of inclination angles of means of mechani-zation of technological processes in agro-industrial complex


  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



means of mechanization, mobile and self-propelled units, stability, tilt angle indicator, prevention of overturning


The article describes the problem associated with the loss of stability of means of mechanization of agro-industrial processes by machine-tractor units (transport, stealing, automobile and automobile trains, combines, and lifting cranes). It is noted that this circumstance leads to overturns, accidents, injuries, fires, often accompanied by fatalities. In support of the above, information is summarized on the number of injuries among women and men in the country's agro-industrial enterprises (including lethal ones). It is noted that this is due to the fact that these units are not equipped with devices that signal, automatically notify operators operating in conditions of irregularities in the terrain of fields and roads (mountainous areas) about the achievements of maximum inclination angles, the excess of which leads to overturns. In order to eliminate these situations, a device is justified and based on extensive research, automatically signalling and visually and soundly about reaching the limit angles (for a given machine) of stability in order to take measures by the operator to prevent overturning. Equipping these machines with the proposed innovative device will eliminate the possibility of overturns and related accidents, injuries, fires, providing a socio-economic effect.


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Author Biography

Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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