Dynamics of productive qualities of Sychevskaya cows with the use of entropy-information analysis


  • Alla Sergeevna Gerasimova Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Elena Alexandrovna Prishchep Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Diana Vyacheslavovna Leutina Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops




Sychevskaya breed, milk yield, reproductive ability, , entropy-information analysis


The genesis of the herd of the Sychevskaya breed in the conditions of the leading breeding farms of the Smolensk region was evaluated using one-factor dispersion and entropy-information analysis. The study involved 2362 cows. The study period was divided into six time phases according to the date of birth of the animals. An increase in the level of productivity and reproductive properties of cows during the first lactation was established. By the sixth time phase, the milk production increased by 747 kg per standard lactation. There was also an increase in the content and amount of milk fat. According to the time stages of the study, the level of the Holstein blood fraction changed in cows. The applied method of "infusion" of blood of red-mottled Holsteins had an unstable effect on milk productivity and reproductive properties. The open-days of cows with the level of Holstein "blood" above 41% has increased. The method of one-factor analysis of variance established a reliable probability of the influence of the time stage of birth of cows on the amount of milk, milk fat, age of first insemination, open-days. Entropy-information analysis revealed the consolidation of the "milk yield" trait and the organization of the control system of the fat-milk content of animals.


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