Inheritance form of ginger flowers in sunflower (Heliantus annuus L.)


  • Lyudmila Gennadievna Kurasova Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Sergey Petrovich Kudryashov Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region
  • Andrey Yurievich Buenkov Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region
  • Elena Alexandrovna Konstantinova Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region
  • Yuriy Viktorovich Lobachev Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



sunflower, shape of reed flowers, genotype, crossbreeding, inheritance


Using hybridological and isogenic analyzes, the allelicity of genes controlling the shape of reed flowers in four nearly isogenic lines of sunflower was studied. It was found out that the recessive alleles fs and fn, which control short and narrow ligulate flowers, respectively, belong to different loci, and the fs and fn alleles interact with each other in a complementary manner. The recessive alleles fn and ftw, which control narrow and curled reed flowers, respectively, belong to different loci, and the fs and ftw alleles interact with each other in a complementary manner. The recessive alleles fn and ft controlling, respectively, narrow and tubular reed flowers belong to different loci, and the fn and ft alleles interact with each other in a complementary manner. These recessive genes can be used to breed new varieties and hybrids of ornamental sunflower, as well as to mark varieties and hybrids of oilseed, roasted, confectionery and silage sunflowers.


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