Evaluation of the source material for the selection of Siberian millet in the conditions of the Lower Volga region


  • Tatyana Vladimirovna Rodina Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Maize “Rossorgo”
  • Yulia Valerievna Bochkareva Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Maize “Rossorgo”
  • Alia Zyagitovna Bagdalova Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Maize “Rossorgo”
  • Kirill Alekseevich Pronudin Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Maize “Rossorgo”
  • Nadezhada Rudolfovna Tambovtseva Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Maize “Rossorgo”




Siberian millet, variety type, yield, aboveground biomass, breeding


Methods for early diagnosis of drought tolerance in leguminous crops, based on the screening of physiological indices of resistance to stress, are of great importance for the acceler-ated selection of drought tolerant soybean lines. On the basis of the Volga NIISS, laboratory exper-iments were carried out to assess the physiological and biochemical parameters of drought re-sistance of seedlings of promising soybean samples under conditions of osmotic stress. As a result of studying the indicators of seed germination in a sucrose solution and morphophysiological   assessment of seedlings of soybean varieties, samples with a high starting growth rate were identified - 156/2014, D-150 and variety Yuzhanka. A strong direct relationship was established between the indices of seed germination on sucrose solution and the index of root length (r = 0.98), between the index of root length and the dynamics of accumulation of free proline under the influence of a stress factor (r = 0.76). According to a comprehensive assessment of the studied samples, it was found that the greatest decrease in growth processes and the smallest accumulation of free proline were noted in samples VNIIOZ-796/11 and Velichava / 2009. Samples D-150, 156/2014 and variety Yu-zhanka were identified as the most drought-resistant.


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