Genetic compatibility of lines of Simmental and red-and-white Holstein breeds


  • Ekaterina Ivanovna Anisimova Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Margarita Vasilievna Zabelina Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Elena Viktorovna Radaeva Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Daniil Dmitrievich Goroshko Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



line, cows, genetic compatibility, milk productivity, lactation, fat content


The article is devoted to the assessment and analysis of selection and genetic indicators of milk productivity of Simmental cows belonging to different genealogical lines. As a result of the research, it was established that representatives of the Holstein lines of cattle R. Sovering ? V.B. Aydial surpass the peers bred from the selection of bulls of the Faasadnik line to the broodstock of the M. Chieftain line: in milk yield - by 1308.2 kg, fat content in milk - by 0.17%, milk fat yield - by 62.6 kg. It was found out that with the intraline selection of R. Sovering ? R. Sovering, the level of milk yield of cows was 6372.8 kg, and with the cross of R. Sovering ? V.B. Aydial - 6297.0 kg, the difference in the amount of milk produced is 75.6 kg, i.e. the milk production of cows depends significantly on the selection options. The presented analysis gives a brief description of the population of the Simmental breed by genealogical lines and crosses in the Saratov region.


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