Productivity of potato varieties of foreign selection in the central non-chernozem region


  • Zoya Ivanovna Usanova Tver State Agricultural Academy
  • Pavel Ivanovich Migulev Tver State Agricultural Academy
  • Pavel Aleksandrovich Lesnykh Tver State Agricultural Academy
  • Maxim Nikolaevich Pavlov Tver State Agricultural Academy



potato, variety, production process, photosynthetic activity, yield


The results of a comprehensive study of the formation of the yield of six different early maturity potato varieties, the originator of which is AGRICO U.A. and LANIMANNEN SW SEED BV: early ripening Impala (control), mid-early ones - Arizona, Excellens, Evolution, mid-ripening-Fontane, Aluet are presented. The studies were carried out in 2018-2020. on sod-podzolic light loamy well-cultivated soil in the crop rotation of Agroforward LLC (Agrico-Eurasia) in the Shatura district of the Moscow region. Potatoes were cultivated using Dutch technology with a row spacing of 75 cm.

It was revealed that the studied varieties differed among themselves in the intensity and direction of the production process, the coefficient of the economic efficiency of photosynthesis (Khoz.). These indicators were higher in the Impala and Evolution varieties. Thus, the average daily gain in dry weight of a whole plant during the growing season was 2.10 and 2.25 g / plant, respectively, tubers 2.51 and 2.41 g / plant; khoz 0.73 and 0.70. In other varieties, these indicators were 4.3 - 23.5% lower, especially in the Aluet variety. The Impala and Evolution cultivars were distinguished by a higher productivity of the leaf photosynthetic potential. They received 21.1 and 20.3 kg of tubers per 1,000 units of photosynthetic potential, which led to the formation of yield, on average over 3 years, 39.8 and 37.9 t / ha with the plan of 40 t / ha. Other varieties reduced yields in comparison with the control by 13.7 -36.6%, which limits their recommendations for cultivation in production.


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