Preliminary processing of sunflower seeds in Azerbaijan based on the implementation of new technologies


  • Hijran Ismayilova University of Technology of Azerbaijan



sunflower, sowing material, productivity, planting area, seed sorting, oilseeds, efficiency


The main purpose of the research is to increase the output and improve the quality of condensed sunflower seeds based on the structural synthesis of subclasses of cleaning machines, and is the detection of regularities of their activity in the seed-cleaning unit, during the implementation of new sequences in the process of cleaning the sunflower seeds. The annual production of sunflower seeds in Azerbaijan, according to statistics for the last decade, is 20,000 tons. The production of this volume is mainly carried out on small farms, and the size of the fields that they divide under the sunflower is 1.5 to 3.5ha. At the same time, these fields are distributed almost to all economic regions of the country. Seeds are mainly imported to Azerbaijan from the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Seeds are spread without local adaptation and any seed cleaning and sorting resulted in a significant reduction in the efficiency of agricultural production technology, greater waste of sowing material, and less harvesting. Therefore, the technology of seed production of sunflower seeds, both locally produced and imported, is considered a complex functional system that has a comprehensive impact on their quality, and the application of this system is essential in the production of sees in the different zones of the country. The development of such a functional system, adapted to the geography of sunflower seed production in the country, with low productivity and low material capacity, has been relevant to the economic situation of farmers.


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