Influence of drying methods on the quality of grain fiber of alcohol production


  • Vladimir Pavlovich Ledenev VNIIPBT - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Mikhail Vladimirovich Turshatov VNIIPBT - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Alexander Olegovich Soloviev VNIIPBT - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Vera Alexandrovna Krivchenko VNIIPBT - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Viktoria Dmitrievna Nikitenko VNIIPBT - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Vladimir Vladimirovich Bessonov Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"
  • Maria Sergeevna Maslennikova Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology"



drying, grain fiber, alcohol production, crude protein, Barnstein protein


The drying process in the production of grain fiber of alcohol production is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of the finished product. The paper considers the influence of drying methods and types of drying units on the quality characteristics of the products obtained. Experimental data were obtained on the change in the content of crude protein, Barnstein protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and vitamins in the process of drying grain fiber in devices of various types. The studies have shown that pneumatic vortex dryers of the spiral type meet the requirements of drying grain fiber with maximum preservation of its quality. The drop in protein content in this type of dryer is up to 3.5% on dry matter, dietary fiber up to 0.5% on dry matter, fats up to 4% on dry matter. With this method of drying, there is no carbon formation, which avoids the formation of melanoidins and preserves the marketable appearance and smell of the finished product.


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