Mathematical modeling of the location of the network of technical service centers for agricultural machinery


  • Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Medenko Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



technical service, dealership, maintenance, repair, agricultural machinery


The article presents a theoretical model for determining the rational number and location of additional service centers for an agricultural machinery dealer. It has been established that the determination of the required number of additional service centers must be carried out based on the basic dealer standard of the respective dealer. Thus, it is possible to determine the number of additional service centers in any area and for any dealer, taking into account his individual standards. To optimize the location of additional service centers, it is necessary to determine the effective time that will be spent on reaching all the equipment in the area from a particular district center. This time will be determined as the ratio of the doubled distance to the serviced equipment to the average speed of the vehicle. In addition, when determining the effective time, one should take into account the availability factor of the serviced equipment for a specific regional center in which it is planned to design an additional service center. The article presents the rationale for the criteria that determine the availability factor and the final expression, which allows calculating the effective time and predicting the location of additional service centers.


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