Influence of bio-preservatives in the process of silage of corn and sugar sorgo on fermentation quality


  • Anna Viktorovna Erokhina Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Corn
  • Irina Aleksandrovna Sazonova Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Corn
  • Tamara Nikolaevna Chernykh Russian Research and Design Institute of Sorghum and Corn



bio-preservative, pH, silage, sweet sorghum, corn, lactic acid


The article discusses the results of laboratory studies to determine the effect of the introduction of bio-preservatives AiBi 15.10 F and BIO-SIL during silage of corn and sugar sorghum. The dependence of biochemical processes during silage on the type of bio-preservative was revealed, which in turn had a positive effect on the course of lactic acid fermentation. Bioconservative AiBi 15.10 F promoted a more intense accumulation of lactic acid in comparison with BIO-SIL and the control experiment. We saw a higher nutritional value for sorghum and mixed silage compared to corn silage.


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