Dynamics of infection of geese with Ganguleterakisdispar (Schrank, 1790) in private farms of Bilasuvar and Shamkir regions of Azerbaijan


  • Zerbab Tyavakgyul kyzy Agaeva Sumgait State University




plots of privatefarms, ganguleterakidosis, bioecological characteristics, coprological examination, geese in different age groups


The studies were carried out in various private farms located in Bilasuvar (villages of Khirmandalli, Aliabad, Bagbanlar, Chinarli) and Shamkir regions (villages of Seifali, Gapanli, Seidlar, Irmashly) of Azerbaijan. Examinations were carried out in private farms of Bilasuvar region among geese of different ages and 66.0% infection with gangulеter acidos was detected in 3-month-olds and 48.0% in adults. In general, when examining samples of feces, taken from various private farms in the region, 57.0% of infection was dentified. In order to study the infection of geese with Ganguleterakisdispar on the dependence of bioecological characteristics in private farms in the Bilasuvar region, during surveys carried out in lowland, foothill and mountainous zones, it was found that a relatively high level of infection was found in farms where geese are kept, in villages located in the foothillzone. As a result of scatological examinations, 43.3% of infection was detected in the lowland zone, 58.3% in the foothillzone and 35.0% in the mountainous zone. And inallzones of the Bilasuvar region, thein total infection was 45.6%. During the coprological examination conducted in private poultry farms of the Shamkir district, infection with ganguloterakidosis was detected 54.0% in geese of 3 months of age, and 34.0% in adults. In general, 44.0% of cases of infection were detected during the examination of private farms of the district  located in the villages of Seifali, Gapanli, Seidlar, Irmashly. During the examinations conducted in the lowlying, foothill and mountainous zone of the Shamkirdistrict, it was found that the infection rate with ganguloterakidosis in farms where geese are kept, located on the territory of villages in the foothill zonewas 51.7%, in the lowlands – 31.7% and inmountainous zones  23.3%. And in all zones of the Shamkir district, the infection rate was 35.6%.


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