Influence of Bacillus subtilis on the productivity of laying hens of the Brown Nik cross in summer time


  • Boris Vladimirovich Ageev Mordovia State University named after N. P. Ogarev
  • Anna Aleksandrovna Kistina Mordovia State University named after N. P. Ogarev
  • Yuri Nikolaevich Prytkov Mordovia State University named after N. P. Ogarev
  • Esmira Namik kyzy Alieva



reindeer laying hens, feeding, safety, probiotic, Bacillus subtilis


On the market of feed and veterinary additives, there is a wide range of drugs that have a positive effect on the poultry body. We conducted a scientific and economic experiment to study the effect of a probiotic based on Bacillus subtilis on the productivity of laying hens of the Brown Nick cross. Each enterprise strives to find the most optimal solutions for its production. Thus, we have conducted a scientific and economic experiment. For the experiment, two groups of hens were selected - layers of the Brown Nick cross, of the same age. The nutrition program for both groups was the same. The difference was that the birds of the experimental group were introduced into the diet - 1000 g /t of the probiotic Bacillus subtilis. The probiotic supplementation minimized heat stress losses and prevented performance degradation. The bird of the experimental group, which was injected with Bacillus subtilis, increased the percentage of the intensity of egg production than the bird of the control. A deeper study of the use of probiotic complexes in the enzymatic system will allow producers of probiotics to reduce the cost of a feeding program for laying hens.


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