Influence of air convection inside a double-glazed window on heat loss through window structures


  • Andrey Konstantinovich Aksenov National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Ivan Konstantinovich Kotskiy National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



glazing of agricultural buildings, energy saving, free convection, irreversible thermodynamic process


In the article, a physical and mathematical model of the convective movement of air layers between the panes of a double-glazed window has been developed. The conducted studies and analysis of thermohydrodynamic processes in a window pane made it possible to obtain dependencies for choosing the optimal distance between panes and, if necessary, to make a choice between single-chamber or multi-chamber window panes for glazing agricultural buildings. Experimental studies of the temperature regime of window panes in natural conditions are presented, as well as using a special heat chamber. The obtained calculated dependencies can be used in the selection and design of the design of energy-efficient light openings for both agricultural production facilities and residential buildings.


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