Collection of virus-containing allantoic fluid and release of hemagglutinin from hatching eggs of chickens of various crosses in the production of the influenza vaccine "Ultrix/Ultrix Quadri"


  • Pavel Evganievich Vandyshev Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev



virus-containing allantoic fluid, release of hemagglutinin, stage of collection and acceptance of virus-containing allantoic fluid, chicken crosses, hatching eggs


. For the first time, the results of the analysis of the collection of virus-containing allantoic fluid are presented and the yield of hemagglutinin from the stages of collection and acceptance of virus-containing allantoic fluid is analyzed. For the production of the influenza vaccine “Ultrix/Ultrix Quadri, hatching” eggs were obtained from chickens of various crosses. The biomaterial was taken from crosses of domestic and foreign production: Rhodonite-3, Hisex brown, Dekalb white, Belarus brown, and Belarus autosex. The influenza vaccine "Ultrix/Ultrix Quadri" was obtained at the biopharmaceutical factory FORT (Ryazan region). In the course of the research it was found out that  the yield of virus-containing allantoic  fluid was not the same over the years. Among the studied crosses, the leading position was taken by Rhodonite-3. From one chick embryo, 8.30–8.83 ml of such a liquid was obtained, which is 25.8% higher compared to other crosses. This trend continued throughout the years studied. A similar result was obtained with respect to hemagglutenin. It has been established that the Rhodonite-3 cross has optimal characteristics in comparison with the Hisex brown, Dekalp white, Belarus brown, Belarus autosex crosses.


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Zootechnics and veterinary