Evaluation of the effectiveness of fungicides with single and double application in winter wheat crops in the conditions of the Lower Volga region


  • Denis Igorevich Parpura Pepoles’ Friendship University of Russia
  • Maria Sergeevna Voinova Pepoles’ Friendship University of Russia
  • Anton Ivanovich Sidortsov Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov




wheat, fungicide, pesticide load reduction, integrated plant protection, environmental safety


The possibility of reducing the pesticide load on agrocenosis without losing the economic and biological effectiveness of fungicides is considered. The results of a two-year experiment comparing a single application of the fungicide Elatus® Ria, EC (active ingredient: 83.33 g/l Solatenol®, 66.67 g/l cyproconazole, 208.33 g/l propiconazole) with base fungicide Alto Super, EC (active ingredient: 250 g/l propiconazole, 80 g/l cyproconazole) in winter wheat crops of the Zhemchuzhina Povolzhya variety in the conditions of the Lower Volga region. Studies have shown that a single application of the Elatus Ria fungicide on winter wheat against a complex of pathogens in various natural and climatic conditions is more effective than a double application of the Alto Super fungicide.


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