Efficiency of the use of chemical preservatives in the process of dew-retting when growing fiber flax


  • Natalya Sergeevna Shimanskaya Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Igor Valentinovich Uschapovsky Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Olga Vasilievna Savina Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev




fiber flax, chemical preservatives, retted stalks, fiber, microflora, bacteria, fungi, technological indicators of flax fiber


The influence of retted stalks treatment with solutions of copper sulfate and salicylic acid on the process of dew-retting of fiber flax, its microbiological and technological indicators was studied. It was revealed that the use of the investigated preparations allows regulating the course of microbiological processes in ripening rolls and reducing the loss of fiber flax quality. At the same time, salicylic acid treatment can be recommended in cases when it is necessary to speed up the process of retted stalks maturing and quickly organize its harvesting with minimal loss of quality. If, however, a situation has arisen when it is impossible to harvest an almost ready-made retted stalks from the field, it is recommended to restrain the reproduction of fungi on the retted stalks by treating it with a solution of copper sulfate in order to suspend the processes of further decomposition of the fibre and loss of its quality.


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