Determination of the compression value of meat raw materials in the loading hopper of the PS-500 press separator


  • Andrey Vladimirovich Bogdanov South-Ural State University
  • Maxim Sergeevich Silkov South-Ural State University
  • Nikita Vladimirovich Lomachinsky Design Experimental Enterprise Laboratory of variators



press separator, loading hopper, auger, gripper, poultry meat, mechanical deboning


The article discusses the mechanism for calculating the compression value of the bird carcass of the improved PS-500 press-separator. The compression value of the bird carcass is necessary to calculate the elastic force that occurs when compressing raw materials, which makes it possible to clarify the power characteristics of the press-separator. The amount of compression of the bird carcass is determined by the geometric parameters of the press separator, namely the configuration of the loading hopper and the size of the gripping tooth of the modified auger. Based on the calculation scheme, an analytical dependence is obtained, from which it can be seen that the amount of compression of raw materials depends on the radius of the auger, the size of the inner wall of the hopper, the displacement of the center of the hopper relative to the axis of the auger, the size of the gap between the wall of the hopper and the tooth of the auger at the entrance to the raw material capture zone and the angle of rotation of the auger in the raw material loading zone. The obtained dependence can be used to calculate the amount of compression of raw materials in the considered, as well as in similar press-separators.


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