The influence of gamma irradiation on the storability and biochemical parameters of potato tubers


  • Stanislav Vladimirovich Maltsev Federal Research Center for Potatoes named after A. G. Lorch
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Andrianov Federal Research Center for Potatoes named after A. G. Lorch
  • Natalia Aleksandrovna Timoshina Federal Research Center for Potatoes named after A. G. Lorch
  • Elena Valerievna Knyazeva Federal Research Center for Potatoes named after A. G. Lorch
  • Victoria Aleksandrovna Biryukova Federal Research Center for Potatoes named after A. G. Lorch
  • Pavel Nikolaevich Tsygvintsev Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology



potato, variety, gamma irradiation, store ability, biochemical parameters, potato processing


Potato storage is a complex technological process aimed at reducing weight losses and maintaining the biochemical and consumer indicators of tubers at an appropriate level. Depending on the storage temperature, the amount of losses on sprouts in the overall structure of waste can be a significant. Currently, in most European countries, the use of a classic potato tuber germination inhibitor based on the active ingredient chlorprofam is prohibited for environmental reasons. In this regard, an alternative method of restraining the germination of ware and intended for industrial processing potatoes based on the use of gamma irradiation is of interest. Studies on gamma irradiation of tubers using 60Co were conducted in 2019-2021 at the Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology (Obninsk), followed by storage of potatoes in cold storage chambers of the Russian Potato Research Centre at two temperatures - 6-7 °C and 9-10 °C. The studied radiation doses were 15, 25 and 50 Gy. It was found that potato weight losses during storage depended mainly on temperature (influence of factor 42.2%) and gamma irradiation (influence of factor 42.2%). For ware potatoes (6-7 °C), gamma irradiation doses of 15 and 25 Gy were optimal; for potatoes intended for processing into fried products (9-10 °C), - 50 Gy. Irradiation at these doses significantly reduced the germination of tubers and the amount of total losses during storage. At a storage temperature of 9-10 °C and irradiation dose of 50 Gy, there was also noticed a decrease in reducing sugars content in tubers by 2-2.5 times, which made it possible to obtain the final product when frying of higher quality in terms of color. There was no significant effect on the content of dry matter, starch, nitrates and vitamin C in tubers. After irradiation doses of 25 and 50 Gy a slight decrease in protein content was noticed.


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