Evaluation of promising hybrid variety numbers of potato according to the complex of economically valuable traits in the conditions of the Smolensk region


  • Larisa Konstantinovna Chehalkova Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Aminat Msostovna Konova Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops
  • Anna Yurievna Gavrilova Federal Scientific Center for Fiber Crops




variety number, yield, coefficient of variation, potato, tuber, starch content


The article presents the results of work on testing promising potato hybrid variety numbers in the natural and climatic conditions of the Smolensk region for 2019-2021 on a number of economically valuable characteristics: yield, marketability, starch content, taste qualities. Based on comparative estimates of variety numbers of different maturation periods, the Udacha ? Breeze hybrid with the highest yield of 34.6-38.5 t/ha with a coefficient of variation of 5.2 %, which is 1.5 % lower than the average for the early group, but 2.1 % higher than the Udacha standard, turned out to be the most adapted to local conditions in the early ripeness group. The variety number also had the largest increase in yield to the standard (36.4 %). In the mid-early maturity group, the Udacha ? Topaz hybrid with a yield of 33.8-36.2 t/ha with a coefficient of variation of 3.4 % was the most stable, which is 5.7 % lower than the average for the mid-early group, as well as the standard Elizaveta variety by 2.4 %. The increase in yield to the standard in the mid-early maturity group of this variety number was 58.2 %.


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