Morphology of goat oviducts


  • Sofia Gomoevna Dolganova Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A. A. Yezhevsky
  • Stanislav Andreevich Pavlov Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A. A. Yezhevsky



goat, oviduct, morphology, histology


The oviduct is a vital organ for the process of capacitation, sperm survival and insemination. Gametes are transported, and the embryo is formed in it. The article has described the morphological features and has studied the morphometric parameters of goats oviduct during the newborn period, in 5-, 6-, 7-months-old and in adult animals. Since the newborn period to the age of 5 months, the oviducts of female goats grow at a relative rate of 109.6%. From this age to adulthood, the relative growth rate averages 20.9%. The high epithelium in newborn goats compared to other individuals may be related with unadjusted folds of the mucous membrane, cell layering on top of each other due to lack of area, or it may be associated with hormonal stimulation.


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