Winter wheat grain production using organic farming technology


  • Sergey Ivanovich Korzhov Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Golubtsov Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Anatoly Fedorovich Klimkin Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • James Cargbo Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great
  • Framudu Traore Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great



microbiological preparations, organic farming, microorganisms, winter wheat


The influence of microbiological preparations on the soil fertility of leached chernozem and the productivity of winter wheat was studied. Treatment of seeds with preparations of various preparative forms (CE and powder) increases microbiological activity and balances the nutrient regime of the soil. When seedlings appeared, the number of ammonifying microorganisms in the studied variants was 126-185 % higher than the control variant. The introduction of drugs in the indicated dosage at the rate of 300 l/ha of the working solution further contributed to the growth of this group of microorganisms, they were 4-9 times higher than the number of bacteria in the control variant. Microbiological preparations increased soil fungistasis. The number of soil micromycetes decreased by 46-62 % during the entire growing season of wheat. The development of fungi of the genus Fusarium was also inhibited. Their number was an order of magnitude lower in the studied variants, compared with the control. Microbiological preparations, converting phosphorus and potassium compounds into an easily accessible form, contributed to an increase in the content of P2O5 in winter wheat crops, in the studied variants by 1.6-1.9 times, and K2O 1.3-1.6 times higher than the control variant. The yield of winter wheat on the variants of using biological preparations in 2021 exceeded the control variant by 6.5 and 12.4 %, and in 2022 by 7.3-10.2 %. The yield of winter wheat under the traditional technology of its cultivation practically did not exceed the options for using the studied preparations.


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