Improving measures to improve the hydrological regime of the Kuban water basin on the example of the Pshish River


  • Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bandurin Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Viktor Alekseevich Volosukhin Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Igor Aleksandrovich Prikhodko Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Anna Sergeevna Romanova Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin



low-pressure earth dam, fresh water deficit, water basin, hydrological regime, events


The article discusses ways to improve the hydrological regime of the Pshish River in the Kuban water basin. An effective way to reduce damage from floods and floods is to use simulation mathematical models of floods, taking into account joint work, so in the context of a progressive shortage of fresh water, especially in southern Russia, studies of the water resources of the Kuban River basin, especially medium and small rivers, are of particular relevance. Hydrologically, the Pshish River and the Krasnodar Reservoir remain poorly studied, so when the time of flood comes, the level of the water's edge increases significantly, since they will be active feeding boundaries for groundwater in the protected area, and at low low water periods they are drains. When the water levels in the reservoir are less than 29 m, and this is the time of the period of low water level in the river. Pshish in the area of the low-pressure earth dam, and the impact of the water level on the protected area is significantly reduced. The coastline of the Krasnodar reservoir recedes from the transverse low-pressure dam far to the northwest, exposing the previously flooded river bed. Taking into account the emerging database on the real technical condition of hydraulic structures of the flood control system of the Lower Kuban, obtained using non-destructive methods and satellite technologies. Simulation mathematical modeling makes it possible to optimize the operating mode of spillways of the flood control system of the Lower Kuban, namely for a low-pressure earthen dam for summer and winter floods, for the conditions for the occurrence of congestion and the occurrence of surge phenomena on the river. All this makes it possible to develop specific anti-flood measures before, during and after the passage of the flood. The effectiveness of engineering flood protection largely depends on the technical condition of the flood control system in the Lower Kuban. Simulation mathematical modeling allows you to determine those parts of the system that require priority investment.


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