Protection of the apple tree from scab in the Republic of Tatarstan


  • Gennady Emelianovich Osipov FGBUN Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture - a separate structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan
  • Zoya Andreevna Osipova FGBUN Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture - a separate structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tatarstan



scab (Venturia inaequalis Wint.), (Fusicladium dendriticum Wall.), susceptibility, «Baktofit», «Skor», variety


The purpose of the research is a comparative assessment of the use of the biological preparation «Baktofit» and the chemical preparation «Skor» in the protection of apple plants from scab in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. The scab susceptibility of apple cultivars was assessed according to the methodology of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. The weather conditions of the spring–summer period of 2021 in the Tenkovsky Department of Horticulture of the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture had a negative impact on the development and spread of scab on the leaves and fruits of the Kamskaya, Tenkovskaya and Renet Tatarsky apple tree varieties. Average for 2020-2021 The chemical drug «Sko» turned out to be much more effective than the biological drug «Baktofi» in protecting apple leaves from scab. Three-way analysis of variance showed that the share of the influence of drugs (factor A) on the damage of leaves by scab is 48.0%, genotypes of varieties (factor B) - 13.4%, conditions of the year (factor C) - 13.0%, interactions of factors A and C - 0.6%, interactions of factors B and C - 18.1%. Average for 2020-2021 the chemical drug «Skor» turned out to be significantly more effective than the biological drug «Baktofit» in protecting apple fruits from scab. Three-factor analysis of variance showed that the share of the influence of drugs (factor A) on fruit damage by scab is 49.5%, genotypes of varieties (factor B) - 24.2%, conditions of the year (factor C) - 8.4%, interactions of factors A and C - 1.9%, interactions of factors B and C - 11.7%.


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