Comprehensive evaluation of Robinia Pseudoacacia L. seedlings in an irrigated nursery for use in forestry and gardening in the lower Volga region


  • Elena Vladimirovna Kalmykova Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology RAS
  • Petr Anatolievich Kuzmin Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology RAS
  • Kristina Andreevna Melnik Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology RAS
  • Daria Vladimirovna Sapronova Nizhnevolzhskaya station for breeding tree species - branch of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Robinia pseudoacacia L., adaptation, stress factors, biometric indicators, chlorophyll, flavonoids, anthocyanins


The generic complex of Robinia is a fundamental and key component for urbanized and agroforestry zones. Robinia pseudoacacia L. is widely used in landscaping and protective forest plantations. Planting material has sufficient stability and durability. The studies were carried out in the nursery of the Nizhnevolzhskaya Station for tree species breeding (No. 34:36:0000:14:0178) by field stationary and laboratory methods using generally recognized methodological schemes for organizing work and constructing samples, statistical processing of primary information and analysis of variance were carried out according to generally accepted methods. The object was seedlings of the same age of Robinia pseudoacacia L. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the biometric characteristics of seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia L. to assess the potential reclamation and decorative functions of plantations in the dry steppe conditions of the Lower Volga region. Physiological indicators of the breed have been established to determine the level of stability of the generic complex Robinia. The reaction of the pigment complex of robin plantations in the conditions of the Volgograd region was revealed. The stock of nodule bacteria Robinia pseudoacacia L at the end of the juvenile period was determined. Robinia plants are in optimal condition, actively carry out metabolic processes and protein synthesis and do not experience nitrogen deficiency (at the level of 18.4 ± 0.3), which indicates a sufficient level of nitrogen nutrition, active synthesis of metabolites, active growth and development plants. During the first year of vegetation, a specific reaction of Robinia was shown at the morpho-physiological level. Plants form a good growth, a high mass of roots and aerial mass, contribute to an active entry into symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, contain a sufficient amount of chlorophylls, flavonoids, xanthophylls. This plantation planting material of Robinia pseudoacacia L. of seed origin is recommended for creating highly productive protective plantings and plantings of greenery for various purposes in settlements and beyond in the Lower Volga region.


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