Productive qualities of calves when fed with polymicrobiological feed additive "Yarosil"


  • Yuri Yanisovich Kravainis Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Yaroslavl Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Forage Production" (NIIZhK - branch of the Federal Scientific Center "VIK named after V.R. Williams")
  • Raisa Stepanovna Kravaine Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Yaroslavl Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Forage Production" (NIIZhK - branch of the Federal Scientific Center "VIK named after V.R. Williams")
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Yuri Nikolaevich Braginets St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Vitali Yurievich Morozov St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



feed additive , bulls, fattening, growth, live weight, morbidity, safety, feed consumption


In an experiment conducted at JSC "Plemzavod named after Dzerzhinsky" Yaroslavl district of the Yaroslavl region, the effect of feeding the polymicrobiological feed additive "Yarosil" to fattening bulls from 5 days of age to a year and its prolonged action up to 18 months of age was studied . It was established that the feed additive "Yarosil" had a positive effect on the body of bulls. This was expressed in the activation of feed intake, acceleration of growth, live weight gain, reduction in morbidity and increase in safety. Feeding the feed additive "Yarosil, aged: 5 days - 1 month in the amount of 18 ml, 1-3 months - 24 ml; 3-4 months - 30 ml; 4-5 months - 36 ml, 5-6 months 38 ml, 6-9 months 42 ml, 9-12 months 48 ml, per animal per day, (total for 12 months, 13.53 liters), compared with analogues increased live weight - by 31.6, kg - 12.3% (p <0.05), gross weight gain by 31.1 kg - 13.9%, average daily gain by 85 g - 13.8% (p<0.05), reduced feed consumption per 1 kg of live weight gain by 0.367 feed. units, - 4.41%, (0.441 ECU - 4.36%), cash costs per 1 kg of live weight gain by 3.49 rubles. - 3.83%, reduced the incidence by 31.8%, ensured safety up to 100%, increased this indicator by 18.2%, contributed to an increase in the economic effect due to the absence of the need to spend on medications by 9531.00 rubles (average per animal 1059.00 rubles), feed consumption for retired animals - by 11726.04 rubles. After feeding the feed additive "Yarosil", its prolonged action was observed, but gradually decreased with age. 3 months after feeding, at the age of 15 months, the difference between the groups was 25.6 kg - 8.3%, at 18 months of age 18.8 kg -5.2%, compared with 12 months of age less by 6.0 kg - 4.0% and 12.8 kg - 7.1%, respectively.


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