Innovative methods of restoration by bac-teria, which secrete calcium, overgrowing microcracks


  • Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Karpov Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Larisa Anatolyevna Zhuravleva Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Andrey Anatolievich Zhizdyuk Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Olga Valerievna Naumova Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
  • Nataliya Anatolievna Kharlamova National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



building materials, hydraulic structures, self-healing concrete, bioconcrete


Innovative building materials are considered, allowing the use of new design solutions and the construction of durable structures that meet technical requirements and aesthetic requirements. The main properties, characteristics, objects and methods of application of hydraulic concrete and self-healing concrete are described. Self–healing concrete is a new stage in the development of building materials. The new self-healing concrete differs from classical recipes by adding fungi and bacterial spores to the composition, which can survive in alkaline conditions and give new properties to the building material. From the analysis of literary sources, we came to the conclusion that the long-term operation of various hydraulic structures is affected by water and the environment. All these factors lead to a decrease in the structural strength of hydraulic structures. A new self-healing material is needed in places where the production of minor repairs and regular inspection of the condition of structures is impossible: underground construction; underwater construction; high-rise buildings; bridge-type transport structures. Another advantage of new generation building materials is the possibility of budget savings, since there is no need for constant minor repairs of structures.  The purpose of this work is the research and development of technology for the production of self-healing concrete modified with a micro-biological additive. In accordance with the goal, we analyzed the physical and mechanical properties of concrete and other cement composites, ways to improve them, studied damages and defects that reduce the durability of reinforced concrete structures, the process of structure formation, as well as ways to repair and restore them. Based on the analysis, a technology for creating industrial-scale concrete modified with a microbiological additive and self-healing structures is proposed. This area of research is very promising; the potential profit from the use of such concretes in hydraulic structures is huge.


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