Development of technology for control of the operation of solid mineral fertilizers and the quality of their distribution


  • Alexey Viktorovich Sibirev Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Aleksandr Gennadievich Aksenov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Nikolay Sergeevich Panferov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Alexey Yurievich Ovchinnikov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Vladimir Sergeevich Teterin Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM



distributor of solid mineral fertilizers, distribution uniformity, calibration, fertilization, software package, application


The article reviews the problem of setting up and calibrating centrifugal solid mineral fertilizer distributors. A review and analysis of the most common methods offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers of equipment in this segment has been carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for quality control of the distribution of solid mineral fertilizers over the field area are revealed. The positive experience of advanced developments is taken into account and is the basis of the proposed assessment method. The developed method formed the basis of a software package for determining the uniformity of fertilizer distribution over the field and consists in using EVA - mats 50 by 50 cm in size, with cells in the form of a regular hexagon with a facet of 8 mm and a cell depth of 10 mm, which allows most of those falling into the area to linger mat of granules of solid mineral fertilizers. A detailed algorithm for the operation of an application written for mobile devices with the ability to install applications and equipped with a camera has been developed and presented. The proposed solution reduces labor and time costs by eliminating several operations from standard techniques and allows one person to perform the procedure with a modern mobile device equipped with a camera.


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