The use of protein and other biologically active substances in feeding honey bees


  • Dmitry Andreevich Blagov Federal Scientific Center of Beekeeping
  • Irina Nukolaevna Kolchaeva Federal Scientific Center of Beekeeping



bee family, top dressing, protein, biologically active additives, flight activity, average daily egg production


In the presented work, the issue of the use of protein feeds with biologically active additives to increase the nutritional value of artificial feeds is considered. This approach makes it possible to introduce various sources of protein, amino acids, vitamins into the bee feed, as well as enzymes to relieve the load on the bee's body for digesting substances, growth-stimulating drugs based on organic acids, etc. Experiments conducted in 2018 on feeding candi bees to the composition, which included isolated soy protein, apple cider vinegar, showed the following results. In the control group, bees actively ate top dressing, however, in some bee families, the presence of yellowish-brown liquid excrement was noted, which indicated the presence of nosematosis. Bees from the experimental groups also actively consumed candi, but with the addition of soy isolate and apple cider vinegar, while the frames were clean, there were no spots of diarrhea and podmore. The Federal Scientific Center of Beekeeping is conducting research on the development of various formulations of feedings for honey bees. For the approbation of carbohydrate feeds with the inclusion of enzyme compositions in them, appropriate studies were conducted. 3 experimental groups were formed on the principle of pairs of analogues. The control group received sugar syrup, the first – inverted syrup, and the second group - inverted syrup enriched with flower pollen fermentolysate. Feeding of the presented feedings had an impact on the flight activity of bee colonies. Thus, the control group had the lowest flight activity. In the experimental groups, the flight activity of bee colonies was higher. In addition to the flight activity of bee colonies, the average daily egg production of queens was studied. In the control group, the average daily egg production of the uterus was at the level of 550 eggs. In the first experimental group, the uterine egg production was 9.10% higher compared to the control, and in the second group by 20.0%.


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