Study of tomato breeding forms based on a complex of biological and economic characteristics


  • Patimat Magomedovna Akhmedova Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Agricultural Research Center of the Republic of Dagestan



tomato, selection, selected forms, variety, yield, economic


In Dagestan, there are local varieties of tomatoes that have valuable economic and biological characteristics: good yield, excellent taste qualities of fruits, high technological qualities, etc. In this regard, the Apple variety is of interest. However, the Apple variety is uneven and represents a motley population. There are deviations – low-yielding, weak-leaved, strongly exposed to sunburn, with different fruit shapes from rounded to flat. Fruit ripening also occurs at different times. Some plants bear fruit early, others-late. The research was carried out in order to improve the local Apple variety by the method of intra-variety family selection. The forms that meet the set goals are highlighted. These include numbers 22.43 and 56 from the early–maturing group, mid–late - 1a, 3, 3a, and 6a. Early–ripening forms 22, 43 and 56 had an advantage over the control in yield by 4.0 - 12.4 t/ha, i.e. by 7.1 - 22.1%, yield of commercial fruits by 5.9 -14.4t/ha or by 11.6 -28.5%, early yield by 1.4 – 3.7 t/ha. Mid-late - 3a, 1a, 3, 6a, had a yield higher by 5.0 – 11.3 t/ha or 10 -11.3%, the yield of commercial fruits was 6.8 -12.8 t/ha or 13.4 – 25.3% more than the control. According to the early harvest, number 6a stood out. Its harvest for the first collections was obtained above the control by 7.8 t / ha.


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