The phenomenon of allelopathy in the joint germination of alfalfa changeable and galega orientalis with winter soft wheat


  • Ivan Ivanovich Sharapov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Volga Scientific Research Institute of Selection and Seed-Growing named after P. N. Konstantinov
  • Yulia Andreevna Sharapova Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, Volga Scientific Research Institute of Selection and Seed-Growing named after P. N. Konstantinov



allelopathy, winter soft wheat, alfalfa changeable, galega orientalis, germination


The effect of allelopathy in the joint germination of winter soft wheat with alfalfa changeable and galega orientalis is studied. The influence of alfalfa changeable and galega orientalis on the indicators of early growth processes of winter soft wheat and vice versa was evaluated. In the experiment with alfalfa, the laboratory germination and root length of wheat decreased by 4-21% and by 3-10%, the number of roots and the length of the sprout increased to 22% and 8-29%, respectively. In the experiment with galega, the laboratory germination, root length and the number of roots of wheat decreased by 7-15%, 7-16% and by 4-6%, respectively. The incidence of fungal diseases of wheat seedlings decreased by 8-38% in experiment with alfalfa and by 16-54% in experiment with galega. In alfalfa and galega when sown with winter wheat, the hardness of seeds decreased by 2–12 and 1–5%, respectively.


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