On the need for formalization of processes in land reclamation


  • Evgeny Eduardovich Golovinov A.N. Kostyakov VNIIGiM




land reclamation, processes, management objects, technological map


The paper discusses general approaches to the formalization of processes in land reclamation. The relevance is due to the need to combine into a common knowledge base and classification of processes according to their nature and object of influence. Anthropogenic and natural processes, their interrelation, frequency and duration of exposure are considered. Some processes are considered in more detail, for example, the drainage system. It is indicated that the work of the drainage system, as a constant process, has a constant impact on the reclaimed lands, has an anthropogenic character. Natural processes such as soil formation are natural biophysical and chemical processes that can be significantly influenced by anthropogenic impact. Forest reclamation can be considered as a natural process of tree growth in the intervals between anthropogenic impacts. But if we consider the creation and maintenance of forest belts throughout their existence, then we should consider this process as anthropogenic having its own technological maps. The creation of an agricultural landscape as a process is purely anthropogenic if it is considered in the paradigm of radical improvement or change of natural landscapes. The issues of combining processes into groups and subgroups by duration, stability, management capabilities, complexity of the internal structure, etc. are considered. As a conclusion, it is indicated that in the field of modern reclamation science, the formalization of processes, their classification is an urgent problem and requires further development.


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