The effect of alleles of the ЕАВ-locus on the dairy productivity of red-and-white breed cows


  • Natalia Gennadievna Ryzhova All-Russian Research Institute of Animal breeding; Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev
  • Dmitry Vitalievich Zyuzin Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev



red-and-white breed, EAB-locus, dairy productivity


The results of studying the allelofond of 196 cows of red-and-white breed by EAB locus of blood groups in one of the breeding farms of the Republic of Mordovia using immunogenetic monitoring are presented. The studies were carried out in the immunogenetic laboratory of FGBNU VNIIplem according to generally accepted methods. The analysis showed that the most common alleles in the conditions of breeding in the Republic of Mordovia were G2Y2E1'Q' (20.92%), Q'I'' (18.37%) and "-" (11.73%). The highest productivity on average for all lactations (10077 kg of milk) was obtained from cows carrying the Y2 allele, and the highest percentage of fat in milk (4.09%) was obtained from cows with the "-" allele.


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Zootechnics and veterinary