Development of a methodology for assessing the impact of weather risks on the dynamics of production and economic indicators of crop production in the regions


  • Marina Evgenievna Kadomtseva Institute of Agrarian Problems - Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Saratov Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Vasily Voldemarovich Neufeld Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



climate change, dangerous weather events, regional agricultural systems, adaptation strategy


An analysis of the differentiation of the impact of weather risks on the production and economic characteristics of crop production in the regions is presented. The data of types of adverse weather phenomena for the last 29 years are systematized. The most characteristic weather risks for the territories of the Russian Federation that cause material damage are determined. Time series were compiled for the yield of indicator crops, which are grown in a wide climatic gradient on the territory of the Russian Federation. The regions of plant-growing specialization are considered - the subjects of the Russian Federation with a high share of plant-growing products in the total volume of crop-growing products of the Russian Federation. Using the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, the selected classification groups of regions are described in the space of production, economic and climatic characteristics. Based on the calculations, an intensive increase in the number of adverse meteorological phenomena and the degree of their influence in the most productive regions - those included in the first classification group - has been established. The regions of the second and third groups are characterized by a moderate increase in the number and duration of weather risks, close to the average values for the Russian Federation. A decrease in the number of weather risks was revealed in the least productive regions, which have an insignificant share of crop production in the gross regional product. In the course of the analysis, recommendations were developed for improving the regulatory and statistical framework for accounting for adverse weather events. The results of the study serve as a justification for the need to take into account weather risks in the system of the most meaningful trends when predicting the impact of climate change on agricultural production and food security in the country.


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