Dependence of soft wheat grain yield on unstable soil moisture


  • Dmitry Vladimirovich Mitrofanov Federal Research Centre of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences



soft wheat, crop rotation, permanent sowing, precipitation, productive moisture, yield


The purpose of the study is to establish the influence of precursors, fertilizers and reserves of productive moisture during the growing season on the yield of spring soft wheat in the arid conditions of the Southern Urals. Field experiments are conducted for the first time from 2002 to 2021 on nine sowing options (for hard, corn, millet, sorghum, peas) of soft wheat in crop rotations and permanent sowing on the chernozems of the southern Orenburg region. The research is conducted using the field, thermostatic-weight method and multiple regression analysis is used. In the fifth (millet) and seventh (pea) variants, the maximum amount of spring moisture is 44.4; 43.1 mm and 136.4; 142.7 mm in soil layers 0-30; 0-100 cm. The same highest yield is observed for millet and pea precursors on the background of 0.89 t with nitroammophos and 0.82 t/ha without fertilizers. The best grain gain from mineral fertilizers was obtained by 0.12 tons for durum wheat (the eighth option) in a double-field crop rotation. In the third variant (for durum wheat), the maximum effect of moisture on grain yield in the soil layer of 0-30, 0-100 cm is determined and ranges from 22.60 to 39.83% with a significance criterion of 0.002-0.03 units. Basically, the formation of soft wheat grains of 0.81 and 0.73 t / ha occurs due to moisture consumption of 28.8; 87.4 mm. The best influence of precursors, mineral fertilizers and productive moisture reserves on the yield of soft wheat grain after cultivation of durum wheat, millet and peas in crop rotations has been revealed.


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