Morpho-biological and economically valuable traits of a new apple variety Aksyona


  • Dmitriy Dmitrievich Telezhinskiy Ural Federal Agricultural Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences



new variety, domestic apple tree, selection, northern gardening, summer ripening


The breeders of the Sverdlovsk breeding station of horticulture created a new apple variety Aksyona, which was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation, approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Volga-Vyatka region in 2022. The parents of this variety are the Ural summer variety Serebryanoye Kopyttse and the donor of immunity to scab 22-40-67, created at Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. Hybridization was carried out in 1993. Studies of the new variety were carried out in 2001 - 2021 on the territory of the Sverdlovsk breeding station of horticulture . The average yield for 4 years of testing the Aksyona variety on the clonal rootstock 62-396 was 226.6 q/ha. This variety is immune to scab (Rvi6 gene), all three QTL FBF7 markers are present in its genotype, which suggests its resistance to fire blight disease. Variety Aksyona is heterozygous for two genes Md-ACO1 and Md-ACS1 and is of interest as an initial form in breeding for a low level of endogenous ethylene biosynthesis, which affects the duration of fruit storage. This variety showed high winter hardiness over the years of testing, has fruits of medium size (110 g), one-dimensional, round, regular shape, with a smooth surface, attractive appearance. The main color is light yellow, the integumentary coloration of the fruit is orange-red, blurry-striped. The skin is dry, matte. The pulp is creamy, medium density, fine-grained, juicy, good sweet and sour taste, with aroma. The ripening period is early summer, the period of consumption is 25 days. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded crown of medium density, skeletal branches depart from the trunk at an angle close to a right one. The variety is early-growing, comes into fruiting in the fourth year after grafting. Authors of the variety: L.A. Kotov, T.A. Makarova.


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