The study of adhesive interactions in the ice-asphalt concrete system is the key to the safety of road transport communications


  • Pavel Ivanovich Grekhov Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T.S. Maltsev
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



asphalt concrete, adhesion, transport system, experiment planning


The development of the transport system in any country significantly affects economic development. The active development of the transport system requires high-quality roads, as this affects the safety of their operation and especially during low temperatures. During this period, roads are covered with ice or snow, which requires their speedy removal. The quality of the road surface depends on the adhesion of ice with road clothes. The article deals with the issue of adhesive interactions in the ice-asphalt concrete system. The developed methodology can determine the adhesion of ice to the surface of the road surface. This circumstance will allow using various additives and varying the composition and components of asphalt concrete to reduce adhesive interactions. Reduced adhesive interactions will allow to remove ice and snow more quickly, and this will reduce the number of road accidents, which will save people's lives and health. Bituminous salt mass, which is a waste from the destruction of chemical weapons of the organophosphorus group, is considered as modifiers. Its chemical composition is considered, which makes it possible to ensure its effect of surfactants. The experiments were performed and processed using the theory of experiment planning. The response surfaces of a particular sample of the general population and the regularities described by regression equations, the adequacy of which is verified by the Fisher and Cochrane criteria, are obtained.


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