Improved methods of cultivation of onions with the use of growth-stimulating preparations in the conditions of the Astrakhan region


  • Anastasia Nikolaevna Bondarenko Рrе-Cаsрiаn Аgrаriаn Fеdеrаl Sсiеntifiс Сеntеr оf Russiаn Асаdеmу оf Sсiеnсеs
  • Dmitry Vladmirovich Chernik Рrе-Cаsрiаn Аgrаriаn Fеdеrаl Sсiеntifiс Сеntеr оf Russiаn Асаdеmу оf Sсiеnсеs



bulb onions, growth stimulant, water consumption, yield


For the first time in the North-West Caspian region (northern part of the Astrakhan region), a study was conducted on the cultivation of varieties and hybrids of onions of bulb domestic selection using growth stimulators against the background of mineral fertilizers with the isolation of the most promising for cultivation in an arid climate with a drip irrigation method.According to the results of the research work, a positive effect was achieved from the joint use of growth-stimulating drugs during the growing season and the background application of mineral fertilizers based on N180P60K60. The use of growth-stimulating drugs did not lead to the accumulation of nitrates in bulbs of varieties and hybrid. The most positive effect was achieved from the use of the new generation drug Novosil on the variety of onions Christina and the hybrid Bayram F1. So, for high-yielding samples, the water consumption coefficient was 60,8–63,8 m3/t. At the same time, the average mass of the bulb during the technical ripeness phase was in the range of 185,0–240,7 g.


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