Determination of friction coefficients of sliding and rest of bulk organic fertilizers


  • Irina Vladimirovna Kokunova State Agricultural Academy of Velikie Luki
  • Vyacheslav Anatolievich Ruzhev Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University



organic fertilizers, active composting, friction coefficient, friction coefficients of bulk materials


It is possible to obtain high-quality organic fertilizers using the technology of accelerated (active) composting based on the use of technical means for aeration of compost piles. Fertilizers produced in this way are characterized by a significant content of nutrients in a form accessible to plants and have good flowability. The purpose of the research is to study the sliding and resting friction coefficients of bulk organic compost with different basic composition and the possibility of their application to the fields using technical means used for the application of mineral fertilizers. To determine the static and dynamic coefficients of friction, we have developed an original experimental installation equipped with electronic monitoring and measurement systems. Samples of compost with different basic composition were subjected to research. It was found that the largest sliding coefficient is characteristic of a sample taken from a burt consisting of cattle manure on a straw litter, the smallest sliding coefficient is possessed by a sample of sapropelemanure compost. It was found that for all the studied types of organic compost, the difference in the values of the sliding and resting friction coefficients is insignificant.


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