Technology for preparing silage in rolls with the use of biological and chemical preservatives


  • Oksana Aleksandrovna Maslova Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University
  • Maksim Sergeevich Zhuzhin Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University
  • Nikolay Nikolaevich Kuchin Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University
  • Vladimir Anatolievich Zhirnov Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after I.N. Blokhin



forage harvesting, green mass, wilting, haylage, grinding, biological and chemical preservatives


The task of producing large feeds through the dissemination of modern technologies and the creation of a high-quality forage base is paramount for animal husbandry. The aim of the study is to study various biological and medical preparations and their complex use while maintaining the senate in the expanded, revealed in the film, to clarify its quality and safety. The scheme of the experiment provides for the use of benzoic acid and powdered sulfur for surface treatment in case of detection with biological preparations Biotrof and Biosil NN, as well as only with benzoic acid in searches with the preparation of haylage without preparations. For harvesting haylage, oriental goat's rue mixed with cereals is used. The laying of experimental batches of haylage is carried out under production conditions according to the generally accepted methodology of laboratory experiments. The quality of haylage was controlled by organoleptic parameters, acidity, content and ratio of acid fermentation. As a result of the research, it was found that canned haylage drugs have the best organoleptic characteristics characteristic of high-quality feed. The best effect of conservation was the combined treatment of silage powdered sulfur and lactic ferment Biosil NN. The use of these preparations increases the formation of butyric acid in the haylage, the dominance of lactic acid in the residues of acid fermentation (83.0%) has been identified, due to the fact that the feed is better acidified (pH=4.7) than haylage without consumption (pH=5, 38).  According to the result of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of haylage for all assessed indicators, this feed is applied to the 1st quality class, which to the greatest extent gives an assessment of ruminant tests.


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