A systematic approach to anti-epizootic measures for the prevention of diseases in farm animals in the Stavropol Territory


  • Sergey Stefanovich Abakin North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center
  • Vladimir Ivanovich Kolesnikov North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center




leukemia, immunodeficiency, epizootic, parasitic diseases, morbidity, cattle


The most important factor ensuring the dynamic development of the livestock industry, which determines food security, is epizootic, veterinary and sanitary welfare of farms. Leukemia, brucellosis, tuberculosis, virus diarrhea and a number of other diseases are the most common infectious diseases in cattle. The development of effective methods for the prevention, diagnostics and control of infectious and parasitic diseases of cattle is one of the most important tasks to ensure the safety of human health. The integrated  science-based system of measures, which is presented in the article, aims to provide practical assistance to veterinary specialists and livestock breeders in choosing the most optimal variant of veterinary and preventive measures, taking into account the current technology of animal husbandry, in making the correct diagnosis, carry out the necessary activities to prevent and eliminate infectious and parasitic diseases. Taking into account the epizootic, natural, climatic conditions and peculiarities of the region, the article presents measures for the prevention and control of infectious and parasitic diseases of ruminants, which are most often registered in the North Caucasus.


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