Features of growth and development of sturgeons and their hybrid forms in industrial conditions


  • Orest Antipovich Basonov Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy
  • Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Sudakova Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy




sturgeon, hybrids, growth, development


The article presents the results of assessing the exterior indicators of sturgeon hybrids when grown under certain conditions. Experimental studies were carried out at LLC "Mulinsky fish farm" of the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2019-2022. The object of the study was sturgeons of different genotypes (Russian sturgeon - group 1, Siberian sturgeon - group 2, hybrids of Russian sturgeon with Siberian - group 3 and hybrids of Siberian sturgeon with Russian species - group 4). In a comparative aspect, the growth rates of various genotypic groups of sturgeon fish species were determined when grown in a recirculating water supply installation. Based on the data on morphometric parameters, it was found out that the difference in the studied characteristics is not significant. As a result of comparison of external features, it was found that the fish of all groups had a physique typical of sturgeons. Based on the analysis of the conducted studies, it can be concluded that the 3rd hybrid group was the leader in terms of total and commercial length in all age periods, surpassing the groups of other genotypes. It is also important to note that the hybrid groups outperformed the purebred forms, it was proved that the effect of heterosis appeared. In terms of body weight in all age periods, their heterogeneity is noted, so at the age of 3.6 and 9 months, the largest mass among all groups is observed in group 1, where hybrids are superior to purebred forms, by 12 months the situation changes and at 18, 24 months hybrids begin to exceed parental forms, that is, a hybrid force is manifested. Changes in body length, height and girth can be attributed to the characteristics of the breed.


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